Daisy Cooper objects to Bowman’s Cross proposal

Daisy Cooper has lodged an objection to neighbouring Hertsmere’s District Council’s Draft Local Plan which includes a proposal for a new garden village of 2,400 homes during the plan period to 2040, and up to 5,000 in future years.

Daisy has raised concerns that the development of this green space would result in the effective conjoining of Colney Heath with London Colney, which are both distinctive, established and treasured village communities in a semi-rural setting. It would result in the loss of substantial designated Green Belt and takes no account of the government-imposed Strategic Rail Freight Terminal in the immediate vicinity. 

Hertsmere Borough Council’s own High Level Transport Assessment concluded that this site scored poorly in terms of its suitability to support housing and employment.  There is no railway connection, nor any realistic opportunity to introduce one, and there are no existing bus routes serving the area. Residents have also concerns about additional pressures on Chalk Stream water supply and sewerage capacity given years-long problems in the area. 

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